Again i seem to be skirting round posting my progress up on all my projects but here's a update on what I've been doing with my animation project. The rigging is complete and all of the envelope editing is done, so the character now has fairly believable movement without folds of the skin and massive imperfections. So some good headway! I realised that I turbo smoothed after I added the skin modifier which wasn't really how we have been taught to do it, but in the long run I think it made it easier to edit the envelopes on the rig. I tried switching it over but it ruined all the envelopes I had edited and was really hard to alter to get them to work again to I decided to just keep it as it was. Its made it harder to model the final out of the character look as Fine tuning the model with the extra vertexes would have made it easier, but because of this I have to keep making small changes and putting turbo smooth on to see how it has affected what the model. I think im stronger in doing the small tweaks in modelling but I've got used to how turbo smooth interacts with a base model so its worked out better that i made this mistake. Noted for the future though =D anyway here are some pics of the model so far. im just about to do some morphers on it to give the character some interesting facial expressions so thats why there are the floating heads in the scene.


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