Just a few pictures of the lighting going into a night scene. The test was to deem how lights mixed on the fore ground of the mountain and to realise how to highlight the architectures organic flowing nature onto the mountain. The idea of the design was to keep the building flowing like freshly dropped snow onto a mountain, pretty much seamless, rolling and untouched. I think that the shadows emphasis the natural feel for the building to be there which was something I wanted to get out of this. there is still alot of inside lighting to go yet to get it looking right inside the scene but as far as the ambient lighting goes im pretty happy so far.
To pronounce the mountain that was seeming to be lost in a black abyss, I used a omni with the shadows turned off in a deep blue colour to emulate the glaze of the moon washing onto the snow. This highlighted the mountain a little more so to set the scene. This was shown in the third image but I still think the light needs toning up a little into a lighter blue