Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Happy New Year Everyone

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say happy new year as im sure you are aware its been a while since I posted last. I thought after everything this year I wanted to have a nice break with my family and friends over the Christmas period. 2015 turned out to be very stressful indeed towards the end, but my hard work paid off after accepting a environment roll at playground games.

I have been busy learning Z Brush and some of its pipeline, as well as looking at DDO. I have predominately used Substance painter and have dismissed using DDO until now. I don't know what is in store for me when I join Playgrounds so I thought I would at least look at the basics of the plugin in case I have to take it up as my main tool.

I set myself a challenge to model a tiling texture in Zbrush and Texture it in DDO. Using a simular pipeline to how I created my rocks previously in my art tests I modelled 6 rectangular blocks in Zbrush as seperate tools. then using the tilda key on a square document made a tiling set of blocks.

I then baked out the Normal map from Z Brush and ID Map ready to be used in the Quixel Suite. Using the ID Map I defined masking areas for mud and rocks materials then played around with some layer effects to start picking out details in the rock. The process works very similar to Substance painter but is probably slower having to wait for it to recalculate every time I make a change. Below was the result from my experiment. I made quite a few mistakes in Zbrush but now I understand the pipeline better for next time if I am to use the 2.5D workflow.

I think for my next task I am going to start learning some of the hard surface tools in Z Brush. Till next time, happy new year!

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