For my robot animation i have been set iv started just modeling some parts out so i can get a feel as to how its all going to come together.
they're still very rough thou this is the jet pack and knee node iv designed. i still have more work to do on them thou its a start.
Im still not sure about the back pack whether its over the top for a cartoon style animation. but maybe the serious nature of it will work well in a out of context situation so ill make a choice whether to keep it of not later once iv assembled all the parts of my robot together.
For the Knee joint I thought a floating segment would work pretty well. I think this will help my characters cartoon apearance as i could give the charicter to exagerated but believeable movements and make it seem realistic. I can just see him doing a robot style brake dance now =).
its pretty hard to visualise how the walking movement will turn out once i've animated it with a floating knee joint, in the way that it would look right. I may have to do a solid leg design just in case but i feel its to earlie to tell.