Wednesday 25 November 2009

here's a picture of my finally modeled robot. iv got a few more things to do to him but he's pretty much done =D

Monday 23 November 2009

part of tutorial lesson in animation. just a quick test to get used to the movement of the robot rig

Monday 9 November 2009

unreal tournament level update

After posting up my drawn out designs of a computer game level. here are a few pictures of the main floor that i've constructed and started putting in static mesh's. its only rough working at the moment but I'm pretty positive that this is going to be a pretty awesome level so I have high hopes on how it's going to turn out when it's done.

Thursday 5 November 2009

this is a pic of my concept track. just to bang it down on my blog as a work in progress.

Mental Ray light testing

Here's a light test that i did with mental ray trying to emulate a ocean scene. Im currently doing a tutorial i found on the net to add rays into the lights which ill post soon. I recon this is the effect that ill be looking for when i do my final animation of the rollercoaster. adding some density into the lights will give the cloudy effect of water and changing the enviroments colour should give a better over all look.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Computer Game Level Design

These are a few of the pictures of draft levels iv done. they are a fairly rough but a start but i think this has been a better concept than my last one. I'v still got to present it to brad my games lecturer to see what he thinks but im going to still build the base geometry. when i run round it ill know how well it flows as a game to decide what kind of level type it cou;d be used for.

robot animation, the foot

with the continuation of building my robot here's a post showing the foot segment of my robot design. after the leg tutorial it helped to pinpoint hwere pivot points had to be placed in order to be put together for the final model.