Showing posts with label Unreal tournament level. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unreal tournament level. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Asset Creation

This is a sample of the pillar I have created for my Atlantis level. It is currently in its preliminary stage, and I am still not sure about its colour or texture, but that can be changed in Photoshop or Mudbox at a later date if needed. This post is more of a update as to where I am with my Live Client project so far. The wall panel concept is being built in low and high poly so that will be mapped, textured and posted soon.

Monday, 9 November 2009

unreal tournament level update

After posting up my drawn out designs of a computer game level. here are a few pictures of the main floor that i've constructed and started putting in static mesh's. its only rough working at the moment but I'm pretty positive that this is going to be a pretty awesome level so I have high hopes on how it's going to turn out when it's done.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Unreal tournament editor 3

With knowing i was going to start a new course that I'd never done before i knew i would be behind on a few things that people will have covered in the previous year. to get my self up to spead i started to learn how to build computer game levels on unreal tournament 3. Learning to use unreal tournament 3 introduced me into motion graphs and simple animation that prepared myself for 3dsmax so if your new to the area i recomend getting the collectors edition of unreal tournament and sitting through the 60 hours of tutorial that they have on there. not only does it teach you all of the tools but it give you a real head for how to put together a real level with mesurments in mind. It was a lenghty process but here are some of the images of the finished results.