Monday 29 June 2015

Berlin, Museum of Technology

Hi all and welcome back,

Over this weekend Wargaming Net has done a server reset for the closed beta of World of Warships so all of my progress thus far has been wiped. This means I'll have to work up the tiers again to do some more ship reviews. I like to have played the review ship for a while to get a feeling for its play style to give a better overall impression of the ships characteristics. This means this week I won't be doing a ship review this week due to the wipe so I have some time to build up my harbour again.  Due to this I will probably be focusing a little more on some lower tiered ships next wee (also because that's all I will have =D ). As with all early access games you have to expect this type of thing to help the developer make the best end product they can.

As I mentioned in a earlier post I have been away to Berlin and paid a visit to the German Museum of Technology, so I thought it would be rude of me not to share with you what I saw there.

One of the most reliable work horses of its time the Douglas Skytrain

The German Museum of Technology, located in Kreuzberg, Berlin, houses a vast array of different advances from some of the first computers, radios, televisions, printing practices and many more technological items. The main reason I visited the technology museum was to see the collection of war planes that they had in their upper floors.

This didn't mean that the museum didn't have some other things to find in it I thought would be worth showing. Whilst going through the Maritime section I found to my surprise a small sub and a early torpedo. They were both in pretty bad shape as you can see in from the photos but its crazy to think that sailors fought in such tight spaces.

Small Sub and Torpedo


North American Fiat F-86K

V1 Buzz Bomb

One of the main attractions of the air sections are some of the German Luftwaffe's most prestigious aircraft the Bf 109, the  BF 110 and the first generation Jet (or more rocket plane) fighter the He 162.

He 162

Bf 109

Me 110

There was also a very wrecked JU 87

Totalled Ju 87 with many a bullet/cannon hole

It was definitely a well deserved break for both me and my girlfriend. Berlin was a amazing city of culture art and history where the population was hugely warm and welcoming. I would highly recommend visiting the East Side Gallery, The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building. The Jewish Holocaust memorial is a spell binding undulating mass of stone columns that seem to envelop you the more you explore their towering masses. It is something all people that are passing through Berlin should visit and pay their respects to the millions of lives lost to the Nazi Genocide. 

I hope to see you all back here for my late week post on my tiger as I am busy building the Stowage Box for the back of the turret. 

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